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Friday, 9 December 2011

Concurso / Competition

Novo Concurso Modelstep, desta vez para os Amantes da Época da II Guerra Mundial.
O concurso consiste em uma peça, Figura, Vinheta, Diorama, etc com a temática de O Cinema e a II Guerra Mundial. Aberto a todas as escalas e materiais. Mais abranjente não podia ser.

Os moldes são os mesmos do outro concurso, fotos serão submetidas no facebook no grupo Modelsetp e no final o Modelo mais votado (gosto) será o vencedor.

Prazos e prémios a serem divulgados em Breve.

Sejam criativos, vale tudo desde o Resgate do Soldado Ryan até ao Rapaz do Pijama às Riscas.


New competition Modelstep, this time for the lovers of the World War 2 period.
It consists in one piece, Figure, vignete, Diorama, etc with the Theme Cinema and World War 2. Open to all scales and materials. Its as wider as it gets.

The precess is similar to the other competition, photos are submited to the Facebook Group Modelsetp and at the end you gets more votes (likes) wins.

Deadlines and Prizes will be anounced soon.

Be Creative everything goes from "Saving private Ryan" to "The boy in the striped pyjamas".



  1. You mean a movie theme, cool idea

  2. Thanks Remco, I'm counting on you to participate... cheers!!!

  3. On facebook? Then I'm out. I don't want an account on facebook.


  4. To bad Peter, I was looking forward for your participation. Don't you have anyone that has acess to facebook in order just for you to submit your entry. The reason why it is on facebook is because is a transparent way to realize a competition. Everyone is a jury and you can only vote once in the same entry. that way all can participate. I Hope you will reconsider because your I really like your work and the competition would gain with yor participation. Cheers

  5. Peter, I can send your photos if you want. If i have time, i´ll participate too!

  6. João and Alvaro thanks! I think I found a solution. My son has a facebook account, so we will see what we can do. If I find something, I'll be in.
    I hope I can still contact yo Alvaro if it shouldn't work.


  7. Thats it. Nice to have you aboard.
    Cheers Peter.
