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Tuesday 28 September 2010

O Stand / The Stand

Aqui ficam algumas fotos do nosso Stand na Modelscala deste ano.

Here are some pictures of our Stand at this year's Modelscala.

Na foto junto ao Stand o Raoul Reesinck, o nosso escultor de serviço, responsável pela maior parte dos Masters da GEM.

In the picture, behind the Stand, Raoul Reesinck, our sculptor, responsable for most of GEM's Masters.

Detalhe da Bancada.

Detail of the Stand.

Mais detalhe.

Another detail.

Amanhã apresentaremos fotos de alguns modelos em exposição que mais nos deliciaram.

Tomorrow we will present pictures of some models on display that we liked best.


  1. Nice looking stand, I hope you did well.

  2. well done chaps

    loks great and hope you sold a swag!!


  3. I Bought some stuff!!! Cant way to do a review ;) hihihihi!!! thanks everything João and Raoul

  4. Hope you make a million or two, then I can come and work for you.

  5. Thanks Guys. Thanks for all the support.
