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If you acquired any of our products, send pictures of our work. It will be our pleasure to post them in the Blog.

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Tuesday 18 January 2011

Outro Trabalho / Another Work

Recebemos de um cliente nosso algumas fotos e um link de um trabalho que ele fez utilizando os nossos produtos. É uma abordagem diferente ao demonstrar um avião a 1/48 em voo, mas com terreno por baixo.

Parabéns ao Sr. Pedro Fernandes.

We Received from a client some photos an a link to one of his works in wich he used our products. It is a diferent approach in displaying a plane at 1/48 scale in flight, but with the terrain bellow.

Congratilations to Mr. Pedro Fernandes.

A construcção total tanto do avião como do terreno encontra-se AQUI

The total article of the build can be found HERE


  1. Interesting idea. The plane looks as if it's flying low now, and that adds a lot of drama! Does anyone build miniature scenery on flying bases? It would make the plane look higher up.

  2. Thank you Gem for posting my work on your page!
    It was a lot of fun using your products ill be sure to use them in my next build ;)

    Porky thanks for the comment... this is a captured Jap plane by the english and its making a low pass because the front landing gear doesn't drop!
