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Saturday 27 November 2010

Fase 2 / Stage 2

Fase 2, algum trabalho de terreno já efectuado e mais trabalho no UMM.

Stage 2, some work in the terrain has already been done and also more work on the UMM.

Para o terreno foi utilizado uma mistura de todas as relvas da GEM, misturadas com flocagem de GEM, f-004, f-005, f-010, pigmentos e folhas da Companhia das Miniaturas.
For the terrain I used a mix of all the grasses from GEM, mixed with pigments and ground cover, also from GEM, f-004, f-005, f-010, and leaves from the Companhia das Miniaturas.

Mais fotos amanhã. O Modelo tem de estar acabado em breve, pois no dia 4 de Dezembro tem de estar no Museu.
More pictures tomorrow! The model has to be finished soon, because by the 4th of December it has to be in the Museum.


  1. The jeep is looking very well worn and battered...and the basing looks great...:-)

  2. Great work for such a short amount of time. The Jeep looks much better now.

    Keep up the fantastic work.

  3. The base is coming along great guns.The jeep looks like it been to Dakkar and back.
