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Saturday, 29 January 2011

Passo 4 / Step 4

Depois de pintada a base do poço, começa-se a trabalhar o resto dos detalhes.

After the base of the well is painted, we start working on the rest of the details.

Volta-se a fazer uma mistura de cola branca, pigmento, pedra e alguma relva.
We make another mixture of PVA Glue, pigment, stones and some ground cover.

Essa mistura vai ser aplicada em areas onde aind queremos colocar mais flocagem o relva.
That mixture will be applied to areas which require more ground cover or grass.

Aqui está o resultado
Here is the result.

Outro exemplo
Another example :

Quando estivermos a colocar a flocagem e a relva o melhor é utilizarmos uma caixa, onde pomos o modelo. Assim podemos aplicar o que quisermos, não sujamos a mesa de trabalho e no fim ainda aproveitamos os restos que não ficam colados.
When we are working with the ground cover or grass, it is best to have the model in a box. We can thus apply what we want and won't make a mess on the working table and ultimately, we can re-use all the materials which were not glued.


  1. It looks absolutely fantastic. The advice regarding the box is good too. I make way too much mess when I'm working!

  2. Yeah, really nice when you see it all together

  3. It's so good I can almost visualise myself there!

  4. Thank you for the kind comments. I will continue to post as the work advances

  5. Very good again, nice tutorial of ideas.
